Uganda: NUP to Unveil Ant's Paul Mwiru As Their New Member

Executive Members of the opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) are in Jinja to unveil former Jinja East MP Paul Mwiru as a new member of their party.

Mwiru, formerly a member of the Alliance for National Transformation under Maj Gen Mugisha Muntu has formerly crossed to the NUP as expected and will be unveiled in a pompous ceremony today in Jinja.

Last month, the Leader of Opposition in Parliament Mathias Mpuuga hinted that the NUP was in talks in Mwiru to bring him into the fold.

Mpuuga said that the NUP has no issues at all with the ANT but their only wish was to see Mwiru join the leading party.

"We are in talks with him to see that we work together," Mpuuga said.

Mwiru was originally a member of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) before joining the ANT. He however lost the 2021 elections to namesis Igeme Nathan Nabeta while holding the ANT flag.

Mwiru has been silent for some time and had never come out clearly regarding his decision to join NUP, but has been clear on why he left the FDC. Mwiru said that he disagreed with FDC because their methods of work did not fit his.

In July 2020, while appearing on the NBS Frontline show, FDC Secretary General Nathan Nandala Mafabi castigated Mwiru for his weak decisions, citing that he should stay and fight like a man or else he will keep running from one party to another until he dies.

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