Zimbabwe: 'Coward' Mnangagwa Using Law to Fight Personal Battles - Says Kasukuwere

Former Cabinet minister Saviour Kasukuwere.

Self-exiled former cabinet minister Saviour Kasukuwere has accused President Mnangagwa of using the judicial system to fight personal battles that emanate from factional fights that rocked Zanu PF in 2017 culminating in a military coup.

Kasukuwere is battling to retain his name on the presidential ballot for this year's general election slated for August 23.

The former cabinet minister was dealt a blow this week after the High Court ruled that he be scrapped from contesting this year's elections as he has not been in Zimbabwe for a period exceeding 18 consecutive months.

The court said his participation in elections would be a violation of electoral laws which dictates that one has to be a resident of Zimbabwe and the Nomination Court had erred in accepting his candidature.

Kasukuwere fled the country after the 2017 military coup that ousted then-long-time ruler Robert Mugabe.

Tyson as Kasukuwere is known said Mnangagwa will do anything to retain power including elbowing him out of the presidential race.

"This comrade has always wanted power through hook or crook and we are not surprised with what he has been doing as you know he had to roll out guns out, tankers to dethrone Robert Mugabe. That was a coup whether people like it or not. He mailed a lot of people in the process, lied to them and many of them are worried about did we do this.

"It has always been about himself. We are not shying away to say this because I am standing up against a man called Emmerson Mnangagwa because of his behaviour. You do not use the laws of the country, you do weaponise institutions to only satisfy your narrow interests.

"He knows he has been fighting a personal battle, he is trying as much as possible to stop me. I am saying I have a duty, I have the right like any Zimbabwean to stand for office. You do not move around and say so and so, he is my enemy or is my rival no we are all Zimbabweans," said Kasukuwere.

Mnangagwa is seeking re-election in this year's polls and has left nothing to chance.

He approaches the election on the back of a poor performance of the economy which is characterised by inflation and has wiped away salaries.

This is forming the basis of Kasukuwere's contestation who argues that Mnangagwa should oversee the country's top post for another term.

Kasukuwere has mounted an appeal at Supreme Court challenging the High Court ruling which he says disenfranchises him as a candidate.

Kasukuwere says he is putting shoulder to wheel canvassing for support as he takes Mnangagwa head-on.

"We will be campaigning, we will be on the ground at the appropriate time very soon. We are aware of the conditions that exist more so after the 2017 coup, and the way it was handled. That does not stop us from curing the coup and all that comes with it. At the bare minimum we just want good elections," he said.

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