Kenya: Witness Says Sharon Wanted Posh House, Upkeep Money From Obado

Nairobi — Former Member of the County Assembly (MCA) Lawrence Obonyo has told the court that slain Sharon Otieno was financially desperate and had sough for a help from him to have her affairs with former governor Zachary Obado exposed.

According to him, she inquired whether the MCA knew any journalist who could come for her aid.

The witness told justice Cicilia Gitua that the slain Sharon requested Sh5,000 from him.

He testified that the late Sharon had told him that her relationship with governor had gone sour.

She said she needed money for upkeep and routine clinic checkups and because of that desperation she wanted a media person.

The witness told the court that Sharon had met the media person who in turn proceed to meet the governor to convey her concerns.

He stated said that when he met Sharon the governor had indicated that they have a meeting to sought out the issue.

Sharon, according to the witness had met certain demands that included the governor building her a posh house.

He later learned that the journalist and Sharon were abducted in a hotel in Rongo and learned from her mother that the media person escaped but she was missing.

Zachary Obado is charged alongside his Personal Assistent Michael Oyamo and Caspal Obiero with her murder.

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