Kenya: Odinga's Spokesman, Chief Bodyguard Arrested, ODM Claims

Nairobi — Azimio leader Raila Odinga's bodyguard and Spokesman have been arrested amid escalating tensions in the country as protests called by the Opposition leader got underway.

Odinga, who insists last year's presidential election won by Ruto was "stolen", initiated a string of rallies this year against a government he says is illegitimate and responsible for a cost-of-living crisis.

According to Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Communications Director Philip Etale, the Spokesman Dennis Onyango was taken from his house on Mbagathi Way by people his family said were police officers.

"Police have a few minutes ago raided the house of Raila's Spokesman Dennis Onyango along Mbagathi Way ransacked it and arrested him," Etale tweeted, quoting Onyango's son who said, "they have driven off with him in two Subaru vehicles."

Also arrested is Odinga's chief bodyguard Maurice Ogeta.

Etale said Ogeta was abducted while driving to work.

"His wherebouts remain unknown," Etale tweeted, saying he was taken by police officers believed to be from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).

Capital FM has not independently verified Etale's reports.

Onyango was arrested a day after tweeting that the protests called by Odinga had succeeded even before they could start, citing the government order on schools closure.

The opposition leader has called for more protests from Wednesday, Thursday and Friday against the high cost of living occasioned by the Finance Act signed by President William Ruto who defeated him in the August 2022 election.

But President Ruto has told him off, vowing not to succumb to political pressure to share his government with a "loser".

"I want to tell Raila Odinga that elections ended on August 8 last year. You can't seek the leadership of our country through bloodshed, deaths, and destruction of property. There is no way you will change Kenya through the route you have taken," Ruto declared.

Schools in the country's three main cities of Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu were ordered closed Wednesday following the planned protests.

Police have fired live bullets and lobbed teargas to disperse demonstrators in several towns Wednesday, as the government moved to implement the ban in protests.

Crowds were dispersed in Nairobi, Kibera, Mathare, Juja, Kayole, Kibera among others where they were dispersed with teargas by anti-riot police officers.

Most towns remained deserted with businesses closed as traders feared looting characterised in past demonstrations.

Other towns affected include, Kisii, Homa Bay, Migori among others.

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