Kenya: National Library Unveils First Virtual Library With Over 200,000 Books

Nairobi — The Kenya National Library Service (KNLS) this week launched the country's first virtual library, containing over 200,000 digitised books, periodicals, research papers, and government publications.

The online library, which is accessible from any internet-enabled device globally, will also host downloadable e-books for offline reading.

KNLS also unveiled a Tier 2 data center where state agencies and other public institutions can lease cloud storage services and a digitization hub where Kenyans can seek to upload their books, records, newspapers, and photographs.

Sports cabinet secretary Ababu Namwamba, who presided over the launch at Maktaba Kuu, underscored the importance of technology and innovation in knowledge growth in enhancing Kenya's global competitiveness, economic growth, and job creation initiatives through online and content generation related careers.

"The Virtual Library with its Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) materials will greatly support the young learners to easily identify their talents and work to nurture these skills as their future career opportunities, "said Namwamba.

Users will pay a daily membership fee of Sh20 via wireless payment platforms.

One can also pay weekly at Sh100, monthly at Sh500, biannually at Sh1,500, and an annual membership fee of Sh2,500.

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