Uganda: I Have Never Boxed Besigye or Attempted to Do So, I Do Not Even Own a Long-Sleeved Shirt, Mafabi Refutes Ssemujju's Claims

The Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) Party General Secretary Nathan Nandala Mafabi has refuted claims he was almost embroiled in a fistfight with the party's founding father and strongman Dr Kizaa Besigye.

Mafabi dismissed the claims during the NBS TV font line after Party Spokesperson Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda accused him of attempting to box Besigye after an accountability issue arose.

The two were talking about a private meeting with Besigye to tackle the matter related to foreign funds in the party. It is alleged that the meeting happened at Chairman Wasswa Birigwa's private beach in Busabala, a Kampala suburb.

"Nandala folded his shirt sleeves and wanted to beat Besigye, he likes fighting, why would he be fighting at his age?" Ssemujju claimed to which Nandala fired back.

"I do not have a long-sleeved shirt, why would you lie and say I was folding sleeves," he said.

Mafabi said he had been with FDC strongman Dr Besigye many times and at one time he was mistaken to be his heir, he could therefore not fight him at any moment.

"In fact in that meeting when he said he won't stand it is Ssemujju who said he will not support anybody else," Mafabi added.

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