South Africa: How to Become a Registered Referee Under Safa

The following are the steps needed to become a SAFA-affiliated referee:

1. Prospective referees must affiliate themselves with a Local Football Association (LFA) where they reside.

2. The LFA will administer the first three levels of refereeing, of which, there are seven (7) levels in total.

3. The LFA will communicate dates and venues for referee workshops and when examinations will be written.

4. After writing the first three levels, passing the physical fitness test and gaining two (2) or three (3) years of refereeing experience with active officiating, the LFA may recommend the successful individual to their Region to be a part of the Regional Panels.

5. Before being accepted into a regional panel, candidates will need to write and pass a Level Four examination and pass a physical fitness test which will be administered by the regional referees departments. Attendees for regional workshops are by invitation only. NB: Passing your examination level and the regional fitness test does not guarantee promotion to the Regional Panel of Referees.

6. After two or three years of practical refereeing experience officiating on the regional leagues, and maintaining high levels of performance and understanding of the laws of the game, the regional referees department may recommend the candidate(s) for the Provincial Panel. However, the candidate will have to write and pass Level Five, which is administered by the Province, as well as pass the physical fitness test. It must be noted that attendees for provincial workshops are by invitation only. NB: Passing your examination level and the provincial fitness test does not guarantee promotion to the Provincial Panel of Referees.

7. If the individual delivers consistently outstanding performances in their provincial appointments, the Province may recommend them for consideration to officiate at Provincial and National tournaments. If the individual performs consistently well at these tournaments, the Province may recommend the individual for consideration to attend the Youth Development Group National programs.

We hope that the above information has provided some clarity and we wish you all the best in your journey to becoming a referee.

Regards National Referees Department!

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