Zimbabwe: CCC Supporters Attacked in Tiger Reef, as Tensions Rise Ahead of August 23 Election

Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) supporters were on Friday attacked by suspected Zanu PF supporters in Tiger Reef as temperatures continue to rise ahead of polls next month.

Tiger Reef falls under Silobela constituency, an agricultural village in Kwekwe District in the Midlands Province of Zimbabwe.

CCC parliamentary aspirant Ephraim Ndlovu confirmed the attacks visited upon his supporters.

Ndlovu said the violence was only quelled following police intervention.

The parliamentary aspirant fingered a Zanu PF Councillor in the ward only identified as Chauke for being on the forefront of the attacks.

"We want to thank the Zimbabwe Republic Police at Amaveni for their efforts to quell the violence suffered by certain individuals of our party and those presumed to be our supporters.

"The said Zanu-PF Councillor Chauke led a group of people and conducted a ' door by door' Gukurahundi on our supporters who stay at Tiger Reef, breaking windows and destroying their property. Our supporters and these victims made a report at Amaveni police station," said Ndlovu.

"We have noted the claim by the said Chauke that they were defending themselves, he is quick to forget that this is not a stone age era. His actions were under camera since morning, and their violent activities were a result of individuals who were being carried by trucks and dropped close to the route leading to the compound entrance," he said.

Ndlovu said his party was not going to be deterred in campaigning in Tiger Reef.

"Sensing assured defeat, the said Chauke is now in a Gukurahundi mode, but he will lose. We are winning ward 4. The people are ready to reject a Gukurahundi like councillor and vote our (CCC) candidate Joseph Kazimbuli."

"We have confidence in the police and their processes for now. We are not going back on the mobilization of Tiger Reef area; actually it is our last battle before we win on 23 August 2023. We are coming with more rallies and mobility strategies. We want a free Tiger Reef, and we want to build toilets for Tiger Reef people who do not have toilets," he said.

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