Uganda: Local Council Terms Extended By Six More Months As Govt Fails to Hold Elections in Time

In light of the need to secure resources for the upcoming exercise, the government has announced an extension of the terms of office for Local Councils One and Two.

These terms will now last for a period of 180 days (6 months).

During a press conference in Kampala, the Minister of ICT and National Guidance Dr. Chris Baryomunsi explained that the decision was made following a presentation by the Attorney General.

The Attorney General sought cabinet approval for the extension, citing the necessity of additional time as provided by law.

He explained that the Local Government Council Regulations in the third schedule to the Local Government Act provide for the minister of Local Government to amend the schedules of the Act to renew, reinstate, validate or extend the term of the administrative unit councils from five years to a further period not exceeding 180 days at a time.

"The cabinet endorsed the proposal to extend the term for 180 days because that is what the law provides for ,"he said.

He noted that the LC1 and LC should remain in office as the government prepares for elections.

Baryomunsi said the decision to extend the terms of office for Local Councils One and Two was taken in Monday's cabinet meeting chaired by President Museveni.

The extension takes effect from July,10 2023 when the previous term expired.

Following the Cabinet decision, the Minister of Local Government is expected to present to Parliament a submission requesting for Parliamentary approval before issuing a notice to the public confirming the extension.

Elections of the new leaders has been hanging in the balance after the government failed to obtain the money required by the Electoral Commission to conduct the election.

The EC had submitted a request in April for Shs60.8 billion to conduct elections for Local Council 1 and 2 officials, whose terms expire on July 10, 2023.

The request remains unmet by the Finance ministry.

The cost of running women council elections which should have been held in August 2022 was suspended due to lack of funds, rendering the councils nonexistent.

This lack of funds presents a headache for the authorities who have repeatedly pleaded for money to organise and hold these polls.

Last week ,Speaker of Parliament Anita Among adjourned Parliament sittings to an unknown date over the impasse of Local Council (LC) elections.

"I am not going to continue on something that is illegal. Government must advise the country on the way forward. We need a position of government, not to continue speculating," Among said while presiding over the plenary sitting on Thursday, 20 July 2023.

The term of office of LC I and LCII chairpersons expired on 10 July 2023, and since then, MPs have raised concern, saying that the absence of the local leaders has caused crises in villages.

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