Uganda: Kin Kariisa Tutors Mentees in Leading With Purpose and Passion

The Next Media Group CEO and Chief Mentor, Kin Kariisa, convened today's CEO Executive Mentorship Program meeting to cultivate strong leadership skills and effective team management among its middle management members.

The gathering aimed to share valuable insights and wisdom with the mentees, guiding them to grow through their leadership roles and inspire their teams to excel.

During the meeting, they were reminded of their pivotal role within the organization and how they can foster exceptional results, mainly through the people they lead.

At the heart of the mentorship session was the message of leading with purpose and passion. Kin Kariisa emphasized the importance of preaching and living the cause, instilling a shared sense of purpose in their teams - to inform to transform.

By aligning their objectives with the company's vision, these leaders can create a powerful force for positive change and meaningful impact.

One key aspect highlighted during the session was the significance of trusting leadership. Trusting the capabilities of their team members and empowering them to execute their roles with autonomy can lead to increased productivity and a more motivated workforce.

These leaders can nurture a sense of ownership and accountability within their teams by delegating responsibilities and providing guidance rather than micromanaging.

Change is an inevitable part of any thriving organization, and the CEO urged the mentees to be receptive and ready to manage change effectively. Adapting and being flexible in the workplace is essential for driving progress and achieving goals.

Throughout the session, Kin Kariisa shared valuable personal experiences and lessons learned throughout his leadership journey, underscoring the importance of continuous learning and growth.

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