Namibia: Ncci Takes SMEs On Trade Mission to Zambia

The Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) is inviting members of the business community, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs), on a trade mission to Zambia from 3 to 9 August.

The mission will be held in partnership with the Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well as the Walvis Bay Corridor Group and will be part of the 95th Zambia Agricultural and Commercial Show, which will feature the Zambia-Namibia Business Forum, industry visits, business to business meetings and networking.

The Zambia Agricultural and Commercial Show is the country's premier show held annually since 1919, providing a forum for buyers and suppliers, creating linkages and exchanging of information and knowledge in sector industries.

According to a statement issued by the NCCI, the mission to be held under the theme 'Deepening Cooperation to Enhancing Bilateral Trade', is aimed at addressing issues affecting trade between the two countries, exploring modalities to deepen cooperation in trade and accelerating the implementation of joint export promotion efforts in key sectors.

The priority sectors of focus are agriculture and agro-processing, with particular interest in meat and meat products, sugar, leather and leather products, fruits and vegetables, NCCI said.

Fish and fish products, beverages, metals and metal fabrication products, textiles and clothing, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and essential oils will also be under focus as well as mining, energy, construction infrastructure, health, tourism and hospitality, the automobile and motor industry, information and technology, finance, banking and benchmarking.

Delegates will visit the Lusaka South Multi-Facility Economic Zone - Zambia's first state-owned economic zone designated by the government in 2010 to drive economic diversification.

Developed as a mixed-use facility, with various land uses that include industrial, commercial, research and development, housing, institutions and parks, it is planned to attract both local and foreign firms to invest in the zone with the aim to promote manufacturing, stimulate export activities, technological development, skills transfer and job and wealth creation.

"As Namibia is in the process of creating special economic zones (SEZs) to offer favourable conditions for companies wishing to manufacture and export products, this exposure visit will provide an opportunity for Namibian companies to better understand how to establish, operate and regulate SEZs and make them work for development," said the NCCI.

A panel discussion is also lined up in which Nangula Uaandja, the chief executive officer of the Namibia Investment Promotion Development Board, will participate with Albert Halwampa, the chief executive officer of Zambia Development Agency, and Hippy Tjivikua, the Walvis Bay Corridor group chief executive.

NCCI said participants on the mission must be companies operating in Namibia, as sole traders, partnerships or companies registered in Namibia and conducting business in Namibia. Companies can send an employee, representative or agent of the company.

Travel arrangements and logistics have been put in place, with some participants flying to Zambia and others travelling by bus to Lusaka, all at the participants' expense.

- [email protected]

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