Kenya: Taxi Driver Confirms He Drove 3 Men and Sharon Otieno Into a Forest in Sondu

Nairobi — The prosecution witness in the murder case facing former Migori Governor Zachary Okoth Obado has confirmed that he received a call from a police officer to go and meet Michael Oyamo on the fateful day when Sharon disappeared.

The taxi driver Jackson Otieno told the trial judge Cicilia Gitua that he proceeded to meet Oyamo on September 3 2018 at Uriri.

He testified that he met Oyamo at 6pm and proceeded to Rongo and later drove to the nearby Hotel trading as Gracia Hotel.

Oyamo came out the car and met two men and lady.

After short discussion the witness stated that the two men and a lady who he said was pregnant entered his car and he drove to nearby petrol station where Oyamo met two men who entered his car and one of them told him to drive them to Kisumu.

He said he only heard a sound frin outside his car saying 'good journey and a call'

He testified that on their way one of them told him to drop them somewhere near Sondu market.

He was the directed to divert from the main road to the marrum which he was not familiar with.

He recounted that they arrived in the nearby bushes where he was ordered to stop and the three men and the lady alighted.

The witness says he waited for a period of 10-20 minutes when one of the three men knocked his car and asked whether he had slept.

He opened, and the three men entered without Sharon and another man.

He enquired about the whereabout of the lady and one of them told him that they had dropped her at her home.

The three men asked him to drop them at Migori, the trio however alighted at a stage in Uriri and he chose to drive home since it was late around midnight.

He came to learn later from police investigator that the lady he had drove to forest in the company of three men was slain Sharon Otieno.

Obado is charged alongside his personal assistants Caspa Obiero and Michael Oyamo.

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