Kenya: Safaricom Reviews Upward Call, SMS, Mpesa Services on Finance Act Suspension Lifting

Nairobi — Safaricom will be reviewing new prices for calls, SMS, data, fibre, and MPesa after the Court of Appeal on Friday lifted a suspension on the Finance Act of 2023 that was placed by the High Court.

The telco says that its new rates conform to the Court ruling.

"We will be reviewing our calls, SMS, data, fiber and M-PESA pricing to reflect the increase in Excise duty rates on fees charged on mobile money transfer services from 12 percent to 15 percent and the decrease in Excise duty rate on telecommunications services from 20 percent to 15 percent," a statement by Safaricom read.

The court of appeals lifted a conservatory order on the Finance Act on Friday, paving the way for its implementation.

Justices Mohamed Warsame, Kathurima M'inoti and Hedwig Omondi observed that there will be irreversible economic consequences if the order is not lifted.

"The upshot of our decision is that the application has merit and the same is allowed as prayed with the effect that the order made on 10th July 2023 suspending the Finance Act 2023, and the order prohibiting the implementation of the Finance Act 2023, be and is hereby lifted pending the hearing and determination of the appeal," the judges ruled Friday.

The order suspending the Act was obtained by activist Okiya Omtatah, who filed a case in the High Court, describing it as punitive on Kenyans since it seeks to raise taxes that will raise the cost of living.

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