Kenya: Orange Democratic Movement Bashes Malema for Criticizing Azimio's Anti-Government Protests

Nairobi — The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) has scoffed at South Africa's Opposition Leader Julius Malema for castigating the anti-government protests saying it's disrupting the country.

Malema had asked Opposition Leader Raila Odinga to stop the protests insisting that he would not allow Odinga to disrupt peace in Kenya saying President William Ruto was validly elected.

In an open letter, ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna bashed Malema for falling for Kenya Kwanza Propaganda on the highlights of the opposition protest hence making faulty assumptions about the liberations mechanism employed by the Opposition.

"Indeed, if Comrade Malema had bothered to look beyond the Kenya Kwanza regime propaganda, he would know that the recent protests in Kenya were against obscenely high taxes, rising cost of living and government refusal to listen to the people," Sifuna stated.

The Nairobi Senator told the Economic Freedom Fighters Leader to shun watching the liberation cause unfolding in the country from a distance pointing out that his dynamics for agitating for change can't be replicated in the country.

"Sifuna expressed Malema's economic emancipation of South Africans from decades of oppression has received a boost from post apartheied president who ranked as liberators unlike the nation where he alluded has been governed by dictators.

"If Comrade Malema lived in a nation perennially led by collaborators and former home guards, thieves and liars, who not only steal elections at will, but routinely send police to shoot unarmed civilians in a re-enaction of South Africa's own Sharpeville Massacre of 1960 or the Marikana Massacre of 2012, he would hold different views," noted Sifuna.

The ODM Secretary General said Malema's economic liberation movement shares the same ideology as Azimio Coalition in fighting against oppressive capitalistic regimes.

"I have no doubt that if Malema was Kenyan, his red army would have joined us in their numbers on the streets, similar to what they recently did in South Africa,"

"As the ODM Party SG, I extend an invitation to Comrade Malema to visit Kenya, so that I can personally take him on a tour of our country, so that he understands that we fight for the same things he does," Sifuna said.

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