Kenya: Governor Mung'aro Reassigns 4 Ministers, Orders Audit on Delayed Projects

Kilifi — Kilifi Governor Giedion Mung'aro on Monday reassigned four County Executive Committee Members in a Cabinet reshuffled issued alongside a stern directed at top county officials over delays in the execution of key projects.

In the changes, Governor Munga'ro assigned Raymond Ngala the Finance and Economic Planning docket having moved him from Tourism, Trade and Cooperative Development.

Yaye Shoshi Ahmed who relinquished the finance docket was assigned Public Service.

Clara Chonga moved from Education to Tourism, Trade and Cooperatives while Kaingu Ndena relinquished the Public Service docket and moved to Early Childhood Development and ICT.

Mung'aro also redeployed three Chief Officers.

George Mwachiro moved from Environment to Tourism Promotion, Zamzam Ali from Devolution to Environment while Christine Mwaka was assigned as Chief Officer for Devolution having relinquished Tourism Promotion.

Governor Mung'aro ordered an audit on development projects decrying the slow pace of execution of key programs.

"The residents have been waiting too long for the development projects to be completed, but some of the contractors work in collusion with County staff to frustrate implementation of projects," he said.

"I hereby direct a comprehensive audit and inspection of the delayed projects, and where contractors are found to have delayed without any reasonable cause, such contracts will be terminated."

Winning public confidence

Mung'aro said fresh directives issued under the Executive Order outlining new measures taken by his government to fast "is intended to provide guidance to the Executive Committee Members and other County Government officials on the conduct of County Government Business in the management of the Ministries and Departments assigned."

He termed the intervention as crucial to winning public confidence.

"As we plan to continuously win public trust in our service. delivery and in line with my promise to fight corruption at all levels of the County Government, a series of measures in various departments must be undertaken to instill a culture of commitment to service delivery without any conditions or corruption," Mung'aro stated.

The Governor said officials will be held personally accountable for the management of the County Government departments and agencies under their purview.

"Individual Public Officers will be held accountable for any misconduct or wrongdoing, and any cases of corruption or misuse of government resources will be dealt with firmly as per the law," he warned.

Mung'aro also promised decisive action against rogue contractors he accused of impeding development

"My administration has declared an all-out war against rogue contractors who put up shoddy structures, resulting in massive losses of public resources," he said.

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