Uganda: Fisheries Training Institute Principal Hands Over Office

The out-going acting principal, Joseph Bwanika on Monday officially handed office to Ofwono Willy Osinde as the new substantive principal.

The handover was presided over by the Parmanent secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), Maj .Gen (Rtd) Kasura Kyomukama at Fisheries training institute in Entebbe.

Bwanika has been in office as the acting principal since October 1, 2022 up to June 30, 2023 until when the new substantive principal was appointed.

During his hand over report, Bwanika highlighted a number of issues, which he has speared-headed for the last six months including increasing the visibility for the institution, innovation ,value addition ,community engagement, promotion of research studies among others.

He also highlighted the challenges of fund resource allocation released on quartery basis that affects operations conducted on semister basis.

"I have left behind many challenges of inadquate infrastructure particularly hostels for students, staff houses, agricultural labaratories, computer rooms among others" Bwanika stated

Bwanika also commended the staff for the cooperation and team work exhibited that enabled him to run the Office during his tenure.

Ofwono Willy Osinde, incoming Principal, revealed he plans to incorporate more technology processes as a way of promoting fish export system

Further more, he appealed to the government for support to establish skills develoment centres across all regions countrywide to anable students access training centres

"To the staff, I want us to base our movement in these specific areas; team building ,shared vision and we eliminate mental modules in order to change our thinking to achieve our goals as the institution," incoming principal said.

Fisheries training institute is an education institution supported by the Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries.

Parmanent secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), Maj. Gen (Rtd) Kasura Kyomukama while presiding over the ceremony, he cautioned the institute management to avoid corruption.

Kasura also implored the team to continue promoting aquaculture as one of the sub-sectors that can boost our exports and generate much more income for our people

The fisheries training institute is strategically located in a country with access to Lake Victory which is the largest lake in Africa and with fish as the second biggest export.

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