Uganda: How Security Tracked, Arrested Man Impersonating SFC Major in Kampala

1 August 2023

A joint security team in Kampala has arrested five people including a man who has been impersonating as a Major in the Special Forces Command(SFC).

According to source privy to the matter, after getting wind of a man who was calling himself an SFC Major, intelligence went to work and launched an operation in Nansana.

Upon arrest, Eric Kategaya told the operatives that he was a serving Major of the Special Forces Command and when asked to prove the claims, he presented a driving permit and an SFC identity card.

On further examination, the SFC identify card was found to be forged.

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A further scrutiny of Kategaya found out that he had one time served in Rwandan rebel ranks against government FARDC and UN MUNUSCO forces in DRC.

It was also found out that he later in 2009 sought for amnesty which was granted but made several attempts to join the UPDF but failed for various reasons.

Also arrested with Kategaya was Kirabo Brenda, a Rwandan national who was also found with forged documents that she used to acquire a Ugandan passport, national ID and social status.

Investigations found out that Kirabo had stayed in Uganda for about three months and had paid about $80,000 to get a Ugandan passport and national ID but she had been duped and given a fake passport by Emmanuel Mbonimaana a Rwandan pastor residing at Nakuule Zone in Nansana Municipality.

During the operation, it was also established that Cyrus Ndoli, a boda boda rider near Kololo NIRA offices was the conduit to help Kirabo get a national ID.

According to operatives the boda boda rider was being used by many other people as a middleman to help them get national IDs .

Kirabo later told the operatives that she had paid shs2 million through Ndoli to a yet to be identified NIRA officer who endorsed the production of her Ugandan national ID in two days.

Also arrested was Benon Mushabe who was being used by Kategaya as his driver with whom they have been friends for a long time.

Kampala Metropolitan deputy police spokesperson, Luke Owoyesigyire confirmed the arrest of five people.

"We arrested the suspects after receiving information that they were using UPDF uniforms to terrorise the public which raised public concern and informed security. There is also information that the suspects forged passports and documents within the country to enable foreign nationals acquire passports and national IDs," Owoyesigyire said.

He said investigations will continue to help arrest all members of the cartel including NIRA officials who have been authorizing the issuance of national IDs for foreign nationals.

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