Kenya: President William Ruto Set for 5-Day Development Tour of Mt Kenya

Narobi — President William Ruto is set for an intense development tour of Mt Kenya this weekend through to next week.

The five-day tour will begin on Saturday morning with a road trip from Nairobi, marked by stop-overs in Githurai and Kenol.

At Kagio Trading Centre, the President is expected to open a water project before addressing wananchi at Baricho in Kirinyaga County.

In Karatina, he will commission the Marua-State Lodge Road that will ease the movement of goods and services and spur growth in the area.

On Sunday, the Head of State will be at the State Lodge Sagana for an interdenominational prayer service.

He will start his day on Monday in Mukurweini where a road will be commissioned.

This event will be succeeded by the launch of water projects in Tetu and Othaya.

At Nyeri Town, the President will open a bus park that is poised to ease congestion and create a friendly transport environment.

On Tuesday, he will open a new Kenya Co-operative Creameries facility in Kiganjo.

Thereafter, he will host Mt Kenya leaders at the Sagana State Lodge.

Agriculture, infrastructure, health, education, among other sectors, are expected to dominate the meeting that will be composed of Governors, MPs, MCAs, among others.

The Mt Kenya tour will come to an end on Wednesday when the President will open the three-storeyed, 175-bed capacity Naromoru Level IV Hospital.

He will later launch affordable housing project in Gichugu before landing in Thika where he will commission the Karimenu Dam Water Supply Project and also launch affordable housing. - Presidential Communication Service

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