Uganda: Kampala Minister Asks Vendors to Respect Presidential Directive On City Markets

6 August 2023

The Minister of Kampala, Minsa Kabanda, has urged vendors from Bugolobi and Nakawa Markets to comply with a presidential directive to have market masters from KCCA oversee the markets on an interim basis.

This directive is in place until the issues raised by the vendors are addressed.

The minister's remarks come after vendors in both markets requested a return to the previous system of market management.

The minister's visit to city public markets was part of ongoing efforts to evaluate the implementation of the new Markets Act, which grants the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) the authority to manage and improve public markets throughout the city.

During the visit, Minister Kabanda engaged with vendors to understand their concerns and challenges regarding the implementation of the Act.

Meetings were held with market vendors at Nakawa and Bugolobi markets to discuss a range of issues, including sanitation, hygiene, security, and maintaining peace and harmony within the markets.

The minister also outlined plans to collaborate with market landlords to ensure the efficient functioning of the market ecosystem.

"We are committed to promoting peace and harmony in the markets, while upholding proper sanitation and hygiene standards. Our goal is to make well-informed decisions that will benefit both vendors and consumers," stated Minister Dorothy Kisaka, the Kampala Executive Director, who echoed this sentiment.

"Our journey has just begun.We are visiting various markets to understand the challenges faced by vendors and ensure effective management of these important trade centers.Compliance with the Presidential directive and the new Markets Act is crucial to our efforts."

The Markets Act empowers KCCA to oversee market operations and promote professionalism in their management.

As part of the streamlining process, KCCA has been actively working in 16 markets, including Owino, Nakasero, and Lufula (City Abbatoir), following the Presidential directive issued in 2022.

KCCA staff have been deployed to the markets in accordance with the Presidential directive, highlighting the importance of professionalism and adherence to the newly enacted Market Law.

This law establishes a clear framework for the operation of public markets and aims to enhance trading opportunities, revenue generation, market development, and the overall well-being of the city's residents.

During the visit, several important issues were addressed, including concerns related to landlords, market cleanliness, security, and the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vendors expressed gratitude for the removal of ground rent and praised the President's efforts in this regard.

Market stakeholders also highlighted plans for improved security measures, upgraded infrastructure (such as new toilets), and ongoing efforts to mitigate the effects of the pandemic.

Hadijah Namuli from Nakawa Market emphasized the need for enhanced security within the market premises, while Veneranda Twesigeomwe and Irene Nabwami, both vendors, commended the removal of landlords from the market as a positive step towards improving the market environment.

As Kabanda and Kisaka continue their market visits, the city looks forward to further positive developments in the management and operation of public markets.

These developments are expected to improve trading conditions, increase revenues, and enhance the quality of life for the citizens of Kampala.

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