Uganda: Why FDC Reconciliation Over 'Dirty Money' Accusations Not About to Happen

8 August 2023

Regardless of the vision of the FDC elders' committee led by Dr. Frank Nabwiso to reconcile the different warring factions, harmonize their differences and to rejuvenate the party, their intended goals are likely to be hard to achieve.

The Nabwiso committee had been investigating the sources of party funding referred to as dirty money.

A report of findings was delivered to the FDC National Council Meeting that convened on July28, 2023.

The findings neither pointed to the source of dirty money in question nor provided proof of payment but rather emphasised reconciliation.

That message seemed to have fallen on deaf ears as in less than a week the "Katonga road faction" with Ssemujju Nganda as spokesperson held a press conference demanding party president Patrick Oboi Amuriat and secretary general Nethan Nandala Mafabi faction vacate party headquarters accusing them of plotting to sell the party.

The FDC secretary for presidency Okello Kennedy, who is in support of the Katonga. Faction, vowed not to adopt the reconciliation recommendation made by the party elders.

"The process of truth and reconciliation means that we have to be truthful to each other. They have to speak out the truth about what really happened then we can reconcile. The elders report went straight to reconciliation without going into the depth of the truth, reconciliation process does not work like that," Okello argued.

However, the Najjanankumbi faction led party president Patrick Oboi Amurriat and secretary general Nathan Nandala Mafabi believe that all members should move on.

"What truth do you want them to admit and admit to who? Those dissenting voices had better be addressed to the national council that sat in July 28,2023," Hassan Kaps Fungaro wondered.

Even with the internal friction, the FDC under the leadership of secretary general Nathan Nandala Mafabi and party president Patrick Oboi Amuriat went ahead and held village and parish level elections ignoring the directives from the party National Chairman Wasswa Birigwa to halt the elections pending resolution of differences within the party.

The Katonga road faction interpreted this as evidence of lack of will for truth telling.

Okello Kennedy said: "The Nandala's claim to have held elections covering 90 percent of the country, but is that the truth? How can you reconcile with some who you continue to lie about it?"

Kaps Fungaro found the Katonga road faction argument lacking, "They have never travelled the country to mobilise for voters like Nandala and Amurriat have. These are just tactics to delay the party electoral process."

But an expert of peace and reconciliation Dr. Arthur Bainomugisha noted that the reconciliation process called for by party elders cannot be hurried.

"Reconciliation is a process and not an event, the efforts by the elders' committee to reconcile FDC members is failing because it is rushed without first addressing the root cause of the conflict," Dr. Arthur Bainomugisha explained.

The expert now warns FDC that if they don't find an independent mediator, the situation could irretrievably splinter the party.

"Take time FDC, do conflict analysis to identify the root cause of the conflict through the party organs and after find an independent mediator" Dr. Arthur Bainomugisha advised FDC.

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