Kenya: City Hall to Map Out Liqour Outlets to Ensure Compliance

Nairobi — The Nairobi Liquor and Licensing department is set to unveil the mapping of liquor outlets in the city.

The one month mapping exercise set to commence in the coming days will ensure all liquor businesses are identified and captured in a database to ensure County revenue enhancement, compliance with set public health standards, aid future county planning and eliminate illicit and counterfeit alcohol.

Speaking during the opening session of a workshop for training of the Nairobi County team that will conduct the mapping exercise, Nairobi City county Deputy Governor, Njoroge Muchiri said that under the leadership of Governor Sakaja Johnson together they were working towards ensuring that order and dignity prevailed in the way business was being conducted in the city.

"It is my expectation that all bar and restaurants and outlet owners will accord this team the opportunity to gather this information without any issues, and they will be very helpful to them. I have belief that this team will be able to work diligently to ensure that they enumerate all the liquor outlets in the 17 sub counties in the city without fear or favour," he stated.

"It is worth noting that some of these businesses employ Nairobians who have a duty to provide for their families; provide revenue for the county government, they pay fees and taxes, it is therefore the county governments responsibility to ensure that we give them the necessary support to thrive, but at the same time we have to regulate their operations and ensure that they abide by the set laws."

The liquor licensing function was devolved to the county governments after the promulgation of the Constitution of Kenya 2010.

This function was previously performed by the national government under NACADA.

"There is inadequate data available to show the exact number of liquor premises in Nairobi County Reports indicate that there could be more than 10,000 liquor operators. We will commence this exercise in the coming days in order for usto align all liqour establishments in the city to ensure compliance to the relevant statutory frameworks such as the Alcoholic drinks licensing and control act of 2014, EMCA 1999, Public Health Act, Noise pollution and control regulations, Nairobi City County Physical and Land use planning Act, public nuisance act, Trade licensing Act and other frameworks which all operating business need to comply with in creating a well regulated industry," said Maureen Njeri, County Executive, Business and Hustler Opportunities,

This will also allow us to create a database of all operating liqour premises, which will bring accountability among the liqour business operators, create order, and enhance the revenue potential for the city."

Speaking at the same event, chief Officer, Business and Hustler Opportunities, Ziporah Mwangi said that the Liquor department had issued approximately 7,000 outlets with licences enabling them to operate liquor businesses lawfully as mandated by the 2014 Act.

"Going forward, we will ensure sound and informed decisions are made to streamline effective service delivery and equal business operating standards in all liquor business operations across Nairobi county," she stated.

The mapping exercise will be conducted within Nairobi County and shall take place simultaneously in all 17 Sub-counties.

The categories of businesses to be mapped out include retailers of alcoholic drinks( wines & spirits shops), wholesalers, distributers, bars and restaurants, night clubs, member clubs and hotels.

The data collection exercise will entail the license status of premises, license fees paid, status of other county licenses, type of business under the different liquor categories, and physical location of premises."

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