Mozambique: Morrumbala District Court Sentences 40 Teachers for False Registration


Zambézia — Forty teachers have been found guilty of registering as voters within Morrumbala municipality, although they do not live in the municipality. Their names were on the priority lists from Frelimo that were given to the voter registration brigades.

Furthermore, the court sentenced three brigade supervisors for illegally registering the teachers. In Mopeia district, one woman was sentenced for registering illegally in Morrumbala. The judge of the Morrumbala District Law Court, Soraia Ibrahimo, sentenced all those involved in the crimes to penalties of between three to five months imprisonment. But the prison terms were converted into fines equivalent to between three and five times the monthly minimum wage.

Each of the teachers, including the citizen from Mopeia district, were sentenced to pay three times the minimum wage (27,000 meticais, $420). The three supervisors were ordered to pay sums equivalent to five times the minimum wage plus ten per cent (50,000 meticais, $780). The supervisors were accused of facilitating the lists of “priority citizens”, and of receiving as voters citizens who do not live in the municipal area.

Those convicted showed repentance, but are concerned at the 10 day deadline to pay the fines. One of those sentenced is a Level Four teacher who earns less than 10,000 meticais ($155) a month. After the sentence, he asked where he would find the 27,000 meticais to pay the court, if he earns a monthly wage that is less than a third of the fine he should pay?

Not only are the fines much higher than their wages, but the teachers are already in debt to the banks. Everything indicates that they will appeal, which will have the effect of suspending the sentence. The judge explained they could appeal, by proving that they are residents of the town.

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