Uganda: FDC Crisis Deepens As Amuriat Sends Ssemujju, Lukwago for Disciplinary Action

9 August 2023

In what looks like another showdown in the once strongest opposition party in Uganda, Forum for Democratic Change president Patrick Amuriat has sent several party members including Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda and Erias Lukwago to the disciplinary committee.

In an August, 8, letter, Amuriat has asked the FDC disciplinary committee chairman, James Otto to immediately cause the committee to convene to hear cases of six members of the party accused of being hostile to the party.

"I proceed under article 28(3)(b)(iii) and acting in consultation with the party working committee to request you to convene meetings of the committee on discipline to hear and dispose cases of hostility towards the party, failure to execute and absconding from duty on the following members," Amuriat says in the letter.

The members

According to the FDC president, the six affected members set for disciplinary action include the party deputy president, Erias Lukwago, secretary for information and publicity, Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda, Kennedy Okello, the deputy secretary for presidency and Dr.Okello Ekwaro, the deputy secretary for mobilization.

Others are Samuel Makhoka W'Mugenyi, the deputy for international and regional, Mubarak Munyagwa, the secretary for mobilization and Amon Ayesigomwe Rubarema, the secretary for works and transport.

According to Amuriat, he will in the meantime be making appointments on acting basis for persons to replace the six party members who are facing disciplinary action, noting that with the exception of Nganda and Ayesigome who were elected by the national delegates conference, the others were appointed by him on an acting basis.

"Once the proceedings commence, I will be available to provide details of the party's case against each of the accused," Amuriat said.


The recent development by the opposition party president towards members has been described by many as a purge against members not loyal to him.

For example all the six members set for disciplinary action are part of the faction led by Ssemujju Nganda that recently accused Amuriat and the party Secretary General, Nandala Mafabi of trying to sell FDC to president Museveni after receiving money from him(Museveni) during the 2021 general election.

Last week, the Ssemujju-led faction said they will now allow "a few individuals" take over the party.

"We are seated here because our party headquarters were taken over by goons but otherwise, we would be there executing our business. If it is anything, it is Nandala and Amuriat who are running a faction. The executive is here and ready to execute business," Erias Lukwago said.

The development comes on the backdrop of the sacking of Ssemujju Nganda as the party chief whip in parliament.

The FDC Secretary General, Nathan Nandala Mafabi in an August, 7 letter replaced Nganda with Mawokota South MP, Yusuf Nsibambi.

Commenting about the development, the Kira Municipality MP said he cant lose sleep over the sacking that he said was long overdue.

"In fact I was waiting for this but there is nothing in being the FDC chief whip in parliament. If they want it so much, I will give it to them but they didn't have to sack me like they are purporting. My major responsibility is representing the people of Kira Municipality. They are already uncomfortable( with him being chief whip)," Ssemujju said on Tuesday afternoon.

Commenting about the sacking, FDC president, Patrick Amuriat said since Ssemujju has in the past said he cant work with the party administrators including Nandala Mafabi and himself(Amuriat), he cant remain as chief whip.

Amuriat was also quoted in the New Vision taking a jibe at four time presidential candidate and former FDC president Dr.Kizza Besigye of trying to put the party under his armpits , adding that he cant allow the same.

The summons for disciplinary action are seen by many as meant to punish members loyal to Dr.Kizza Besigye.

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