South Africa: Stellenbosch Police Station Petrol-Bombed

The police station in Kayamandi, Stellenbosch was petrol-bombed on Wednesday, allegedly by a group of young people.

Warrant Officer Joseph Swartbooi, spokesperson for Western Cape SAPS, said reports suggest that an unruly group of young people approached the SAPS office in Kayamandi and threw an explosive device in its direction, damaging the community service centre.

"Fortunately, the officers on duty managed to contain the fire before it escalated," said Swartbooi.

He said the Kayamandi police station is investigating cases of public violence and attacks on the police.

"The circumstances surrounding the incident remain under thorough investigation," he said.

Residents of Kayamandi were quick to distance themselves from the incident, expressing disbelief at the destruction of a vital community station.

"Why would they burn a police station?" asked community member Liziwe Keto.

"They help us when we want affidavits and other important things. Where will we get the money to go to another police station?"

She voiced her fears about the implications of this attack on the safety of the region.

"There is no sane person in the community who will burn a police station. The people who did that are criminals who want to continue with their criminal activities without being disturbed by the SAPS," said Keto.

She pointed out these criminals might be exploiting the ongoing taxi strike in Cape Town to target and dismantle government institutions.

"What is happening now shows that these criminals only care about themselves and not even about their families. The police station is here to assist everyone, even them," she said.

She said she was worried about a potential surge in domestic violence, saying that without a functioning police station, abusers could continue without worrying about the consequences.

"The abusers will carry on knowing that there is no police station that will assist the victims. It's sad that no one managed to stop the group for fear of being attacked," she said.

The recent attack on the police station is part of a wave of violence that has taken place during the Santaco taxi strike.

In Cape Town, clinics have been destroyed, malls looted, and vehicles set alight.

Since the strike's commencement last Thursday, the death toll has climbed to five male individuals.

Law enforcement authorities have taken about 120 suspects into custody on various charges, including malicious damage to property, public violence, and looting.


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