Uganda: Muntu's Ant Blames Financial Woes On Govt, Appeals for Public Support

10 August 2023

The Alliance for National Transformation (ANT) has attributed its financial challenges to the current ruling regime, asserting that they were intentionally targeted during elections to undermine their financial capacity.

In light of their limited resources, ANT is now appealing to Ugandans who desire political change to support the party, likening the assistance to contributions made for social events.

With no allocation from the consolidated fund in accordance with the Political Parties and Organizations Act due to their lack of parliamentary representation and a stalled grassroots mobilization agenda, ANT points a finger at the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) for their predicament.

Mugisha Muntu, a prominent figure within ANT, highlights the obstacles they faced during elections, where they were denied visibility and had candidates disqualified in certain constituencies. Similarly, other ANT representatives, including Alaso and Karyeijja, echo the sentiment that the political landscape was skewed against them.

Muntu expresses his belief that despite his confidence in potentially securing the presidency, he expected to secure over ten parliamentary seats. He urges the public to fund the change they seek in the political arena, comparing it to the financial support people provide for churches or burials, emphasizing the crucial role politics plays in society.

Party members, such as Pul Mwiru, underline the importance of financial support in politics, likening it to the significance of blood in sustaining life. However, the question arises: If the party lacks funds, how is its secretariat operational?

Alice Alaso, the ANT National Coordinator, reveals that the secretariat operates on a voluntary basis, making appeals to members for contributions and proposals to sustain its activities. Karyeija adds that ANT's lack of appeal to donors contributes to its financial struggles.

Alaso advocates for changes in the existing law on political party financing, deeming it unfair. She calls for a revision in resource allocation parameters, considering factors beyond parliamentary representation, such as elective posts, cadreship, youth, and women's activities.

Looking forward, as ANT awaits another election and potential parliamentary representation or a revision to the political parties and organizations act, the party heavily relies on meager party card fees of 3,000 shillings and donations from well-wishers. The sustainability of such funding sources remains uncertain.

The current financial predicament of the Alliance for National Transformation underscores broader issues of political funding and accountability within the Ugandan political landscape. As the party strives for change, it calls on citizens to contribute to the cause they champion, hoping to gather the resources necessary for a more vibrant political presence.

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