Kenya: Former Radio Presenter Joshua Arap Sang Lands Top Govt Job

Initial appearance of William Samoei Ruto, Henry Kiprono Kosgey and Joshua Arap Sang (far right) before the International Criminal Court.
10 August 2023

Former radio personality Joshua Arap Sang has landed a new communication role with the government.

Sang who previously worked at Emoo FM a subsidiary station owned by Media max quit his career earlier in the year after being in the industry for nearly 20 years.

Taking to his Facebook the former news presenter thanked the president for the appointment.

"Thank you, your Excellency president Dr William Samoei Ruto for appointing me as Director, Public Communication in the office of the Chief of Staff and Head of public Service, "read a post by Sang on Facebook.

He assumes as the head of communications in the office of the chief of staff domiciled in state house as well as the communications in charge of the public service.

Sang was among individuals presented to the International Criminal Court over allegations of fueling the 2007-2008 post elections violence in what was popularly known as the Ocampo six.

He was accused alongside current president William Ruto (then MP for Eldoret North), retired president Uhuru Kenyatta, Francis Muthaura, Henry Kosgei and Hussein Ali.

The case against them would later be dropped owing to insufficient evidence to have them held to0 account.

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