Zimbabwe: Mnangagwa, Mohadi Embrace Mbavha4ED as Sekeramayi is Left in the Cold

THE top hierarchy of ruling party Zanu PF, Wednesday, embraced 'mbavha' under the guise of an affiliate leaving its stalwart, Sydney Sekeramayi in the cold barley a week after taking a bold stance against thieves.

Zanu PF held its star rally in the capital Wednesday as it continues to canvas for support ahead of a crucial general election to be held in the next 12 days.

During the rally, divisions in the ruling party were laid bare when President Mnangagwa welcomed Mbavha4ED among many affiliates that have coalesced around the ruling party and its leader.

Mbavha is a shona word which means a thief.

Self-styled prophet and socialite Passion Java set the tone when he excitedly revealed Mbavha4ED would vote for Zanu PF.

"Takazviona chigaba chehuchi kuti chirikupinda mu office. Takazviona mumweya kudhara. Saka tiri kuti ma prophets4ED, n'anga4ED, mbavha4ED, maH4ED, varoyi4ED, (We saw it in the spiritual realm that Mnangagwa will retain office in after the elections)," said Java.

The chant was in contrast to a stance that was taken by party veteran Sekeramayi who in a slogan castigated thieves at a recent rally.

Zanu PF has been criticised of harbouring and protecting individuals accused of corruption in its party strictures.

Sekeramayi is one of long serving Zanu PF members who was once touted to take over party leadership after Robert Mugabe.

The Senator leads Zanu PF Elders Committee which acts as an advisory board to Mnangagwa.

An explosive documentary by Aljazeera laid bare how a politically linked web is laundering money and smuggling gold using state institutions.

Since airing of the documentary no arrests have been made despite government pledging to open investigations.

Taking to the podium to address his party supporters Mnangangwa acknowledged these affiliates asking for the disbandment of mbavha4ED after the general elections.

"Vakangowanda ma ED asi yandazonzwa kuti mbavha4ED apawo munenge manyanya. Zvakanaka asi kana tapedza kuvhota mochi disband mbavha4ED. (There are many 4ED affiliates. I have now heard "mbava4ED this is too much. If you are there that is good but after election disband)," said Mnangagwa.

Zanu PF second secretary Kembo Mohadi also embraced the new "affiliate" in his closing remarks at the rally.

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