Kenya: Nairobi County Govt to Introduce Core Bus Route Network in Decongestion Plan

14 August 2023

Nairobi — The Nairobi County Government is working towards providing stability in the Public transport industry through the introduction of a Core Bus Route Network Plan that will serve residents better, decongest the City as well as reduce carbon dioxide footprint in the Central Business District ( CBD) by spreading out bus stops.

Under the Nairobi Capital City Transport Act 2020 the County Executive Committee Member Mobility and Works is required to prepare and gazette a bus route network for the capital city.

County Chief Officer for Mobility Boniface Nyamu said that the Bus Route Network Plan is also expected to bring stability by reducing wasteful competition and instead, efforts shifted towards service delivery.

Nyamu further pointed out that public service routes in the County will be operated only if the company or SACCO has valid bus license from NTSA and a bus route permit issued by the County Government.

This being a stakeholder engagement, the workshop discussed the Core Bus Route Network Plan that include the infrastructure requirements, policy legal framework, licensing and operations among other key issues.

The workshop which was chaired by the Chief Officer, Mobility Mr. Boniface Nyamu, brought together Officers from Mobility, Planning, Compliance and Enforcement Departments as well as members of Transport Committee of the County Assembly.

The workshop was also attended by representatives from National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA), Nairobi Metropolitan Transport Authority and the Federation of Public Transport Operators (FTPS).

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