South Africa: Moving Makhanda High Court to Bhisho Is a Grave Strategic Injustice - Residents Will Resist


The decision to relocate the seat of the Makhanda High Court is not based on the will of the people. We therefore demand that the ANC government backs off and abandons this thoughtless decision.

Makana is like a sinking ship without a captain.

Relocating the seat of the high court to Bisho is a particularly bad move because failed municipal governance has already trashed the local economy.

Unemployment is rampant and many residents have lost hope.

Any move like this that requires large-scale construction and addition to office space runs the risk of corruption of building and lease contracts, both serious problems nationwide.

With 2024 being an election year, we must all concentrate our minds on how to achieve real change. In this context, the proposed relocation of the seat of the high court is based on economic and narrow business interests and has nothing to do with the interests of the people of the Eastern Cape. If access to justice is the issue, why does the government not make Legal Aid for rights violations more available and accessible to the poor?

Access to justice is not just about the cost of taxi fare to the nearest high court.

More concerning is that the Eastern Cape is becoming the headquarters of corruption by outside forces who have captured our province.

To show that these people are really clueless and lack a developmental...

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