South Africa: The Real Issue Around Remissions of Sentence Concerns Women and Children Behind Bars


We must, as a nation, contemplate a holistic strategy that emphasises presidential pardons and remissions of sentence initiatives tailored specifically to women and children.

The notion of remission of sentence boasts an ancient lineage that extends back through the annals of history - a heritage that finds its roots even within the pages of the Bible. The tale of Barabbas, a compelling narrative chronicled in the New Testament, stands as an intriguing example of sentence remission dating back to biblical epochs.

In the wake of President Cyril Ramaphosa's endorsement of remission of non-violent offenders, the aftermath has unfolded a tapestry of eager reactions and varying public sentiments. This range of impassioned responses, coupled with an array of legal and political analyses, serves as a testament to the intricate nature of pardoning or mitigating criminal sentences.

This incident reinforces the enduring reality that complexities are bound to enshroud such acts, regardless of the context.

For me what caught my attention, and to which I think Ramaphosa must pay attention, is that while in a bustling location where hawkers and small-business mothers gather, a chorus of concerned voices emerged, lamenting the recent news of remissions of sentence for prisoners.

Among the names that caught their attention was that of former president Jacob Zuma, triggering a range of emotions and opinions. Some were expressing happiness...

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