Southern Africa: Regional Unity Important

Luanda — Unity among the SADC member states is imperative for the realisation of an integrated and developed region.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Lemogang Kwape said in an interview prior to the resumption of the 43rd SADC Summit in Angola on Thursday that SADC member states needed to work diligently and collectively to address challenges hindering the smooth implementation of the industrialisation agenda.

He indicated that it was highly important for the SADC block to formulate reforms that would drive policies meant to finance human capital and empower the citizenry, hence the 43rd summit was themed; Human and Financial Capital; the Key Driver for Sustainable Industrialisation for the SADC region.

Minister Kwape highlighted that the summit would avail a platform for SADC member states to introspect on the progress made from the last summit recommendations and also pave a path to move the region forward.

Among the top agenda items would be reforms of strategic importance to the region and regional integration, including the overview of the regional economy as well as advancing the block's regional industrialisation drive, he said.

"It goes without saying that the current economic performance is of great concern to the entire SADC region and each member state is looking at how best to address the economic implications for the betterment of its citizenry," he said.

The minister indicated that as neighbouring countries, the SADC block faced almost similar socio-economic challenges, some of which required joint strategies in order to be effectively addressed.

Dr Kwape said it was an important objective for each member state to achieve sustained economic growth and sustainable development for the betterment of all SADC citizens.

To further reaffirm Botswana's commitment towards the realisation of regional integration, Dr Kwape said it was pleasing to note that Botswana was among those that were up-to-date with their SADC financial contributions.

"Botswana is among those that have fully paid their SADC membership contributions in accordance with the stipulated SADC expectations," he said.

Dr Kwape said peace and security were a foundation for achieving regional integration and sustainable socio-economic development.

Minister Kwape said the SADC Council of Ministers was committed to working with the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation to ensure continued peace and stability in the region.

"One should be mindful of some of the security-threatening cases in the Democratic Republic of Congo and other countries, and their threat to economic stability, therefore there will be Troika meeting prior to the summit to get an in-depth look on the maintenance of peace and stability in the region," he said.

Dr Kwape further said gender -based violence remained a concern, thus all member states were expected to root out any form of abuse and violence (GBV) on the vulnerable members of the society, particularly children and women.

He said the high increase in the number of GBV cases called for all Batswana to take decisive steps and act collectively against it.


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