South Africa: Premier Alan Winde On Historic Conviction of Notorious Drug Syndicate Kingpin

press release

Premier expresses his deep gratitude to SAPS officials who secured historic conviction of notorious drug syndicate kingpin

Premier Alan Winde and Western Cape Minister of Police Oversight and Community Safety, Reagen Allen, met with the team of South African Police Service (SAPS) officials who recently made history by securing the conviction of Fadwaan Murphy, a notorious drug syndicate leader under the Prevention of Organised Crime Act (POCA).

"The single-minded determination of these detectives to see this case reach a successful conclusion is highly commendable. This team of detectives displayed true professionalism," said Premier Winde at the meeting to congratulate and thank the SAPS members.

He said that this conviction has dealt a significant blow to the drug trade in the Western Cape, "Every criminal which is put behind bars is another step closer to making the Western Cape and its communities safer. However, much more still needs to be done to rid our communities of this scourge. We will provide any support the SAPS needs to bring those who are destroying our communities to book and to take them off our streets."

The case for which they secured the conviction of Mr Murphy dates back to 2015. "Their hard work, diligence and commitment was evident throughout their investigation. They are an inspiration to their colleagues and proof of the difference that our men and women in blue can make," he added. The Premier also commended the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) for their role in ensuring that the dedicated work of the SAPS was matched by a successful conviction of Mr Murphy. "This is the perfect example of collaborative crime fighting and I trust that we will see more of it here in the Western Cape but also across South Africa."

Minister Allen said, "I commend Captain Nadine Britz and her unit. Their success is a clear demonstration of what can be achieved when the SAPS works in this manner. I am a firm believer that in all gang-related cases, the POCA should be applied and utilised, as these criminal entities must be brought to their knees. I trust the court will send a clear message and hand down the most severe possible sentence. Drugs and gangs are destroying our communities, and they should know that the full weight of the law will stand against them and bring justice to those effected."

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