Uganda: Women in Kasese District Embrace Local Manufacturing Through Emyooga Program

16 August 2023

Women in Kasese district who have benefited from the Emyooga Program have taken a remarkable step forward by venturing into local manufacturing of domestic utensils.

Notably, the Bukonzo West Constituency Women Entrepreneur Emyooga Sacco invested in saucepan making, aiming to tap into the local market and even explore exports to neighbouring DR Congo.

Situated a short distance from the Democratic Republic of Congo border in Mpondwe, the Bukonzo West Constituency Women Entrepreneurs Emyooga Sacco, based in Kisaka 1 Cell emerged as a beacon of success in the fight against poverty.

Despite having less than four years of existence, this Emyooga group, like many others supported by the Microfinance Support Center, is already achieving impressive results.

The Sacco became a model for Emyooga beneficiaries and leaders from the Teso sub-region, who visit for inspiration. A recent visit involved Teso beneficiaries touring the small manufacturing centre, where aluminium scraps and sand are skillfully melted and moulded by both female and male employees to create durable saucepans and their covers.

Muhindo Mercy, the Chairperson of the Bukonzo West Constituency Women Entrepreneurs Emyooga Sacco, emphasized the strength of teamwork in their endeavours.

"Through teamwork, this group gets male employees to back up their manpower in melting and moulding aluminium scraps and sand, which they mix to make durable saucepans that glitter like factory-made," she stated.

The group's innovation extends beyond saucepan making to other domestic products such as liquid soap, bar soap, mats, and sandals. With these new endeavours, the question arises: Does the group have sufficient market demand for all these products? The members provide insights into their journey of breaking societal norms and embracing change.

Navatusi Mwaine, a member of the group, shared her perspective, as did Bakanya Kezia, another member. The transformation of their roles and the shift in traditional norms have been notable factors contributing to their success.

"The transformation in roles has empowered us, giving us a voice and enabling us to contribute meaningfully to our households and communities." Shared Mwaine

"Breaking traditional norms and embracing change has allowed us to realize our potential and make a positive impact in our society." Added Bakanya.

Notably, the mainstream sacco of Karambi Cooperative Savings and Credit Society Limited has played a pivotal role in providing a learning platform for Emyooga beneficiaries and Teso leaders. The manager, Thembo Luke, highlighted the importance of proper management and governance in achieving financial goals.

"With proper management and governance, they can easily reach the desired financial heights and contribute to the betterment of their communities." Stated Thembo.

This impressive progress achieved by the Bukonzo West Constituency Women Entrepreneurs Emyooga Sacco and Karambi Sacco has inspired a visiting team from the 11 districts of the Teso subregion.

The visiting team, accompanied by Ngora Resident District Commissioner Ekoom John Stephen, includes representatives such as Salama Alice Opada, from Kapir County Women Entrepreneurship Emyooga Sacco, and Samuel Ejoku, Chairperson of Soroti East Division Journalist Emyooga Sacco.

With the conclusion of this enlightening exchange visit, the visiting team is now challenged to apply the lessons they have learned and stand the test of time.

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