Kenya: Ruto Defends U.S. Ambassador Whitman After Odinga Tirade Over Kenya Election Outcome

18 August 2023

Nairobi — President William Ruto has defended US Ambassador Meg Whitman whose remarks about Kenya's election outcome touched off a storm in the Opposition.

The diplomat said Wednesday during the 10th Devolution Conference in Eldoret that Kenya's election was the "most credible in Kenyan history" in what annoyed opposition leader Raila Odinga who told her to "stop meddling in Kenya's affairs.

However, President Ruto, defended the envoy's remarks as "facts" instead of telling Odinga and his allies to "have some decorum and respect ourselves, as we demand respect from others."

"The American ambassador said two statements of facts; she said the last election was the freest and the fairest in the history of Kenya, which is a statement of fact, she said Kenya is open for business which is also a statement of fact," Ruto said Friday when he presided over the 2Jiajiri/GIZ Graduation Ceremony in Nairobi's Kasarani area.

The president had earlier met Whitman alongside visiting US Senator Chris Coons at State House, Nairobi.

Referencing past instances of property destruction during Odinga-led demonstrations, Ruto deemed supporting such actions "reckless."

He argued that such actions have undermined the nation's economy and investment prospects.

Moreover, Ruto stated that it was wrong for Odinga to vilify the people who are creating opportunities for the country including the US, which he says has pumped billions of shillings into the country's economy.

"We have Sh 200 billion investment from the American government. We have huge Investments from Germany and we have huge investments from other countries. We must know what our interests are, and we are must secure those interests," he said.

While hitting out at Odinga over his characterization of Ambassador Whitman as "rogue" Ruto said the tag applies to those who have been inciting violence in the pretext of calling for government accountability.

"I was just imagining between the people who are orchestrating the destruction of property and sabotaging our economy, and those who are working with us to create investment opportunities and investment capital for the people of Kenya," Ruto pondered.

"Between those two, I was wondering who is actually rogue. I think it's for the people of Kenya to judge."

Ruto's statement comes a few hours he hosted Ambassador Whitman and Delaware Senator Chris Coons at State House Nairobi.

Senator Coons has been in the country since last week in what observers say is part of US efforts to broker a truce between the incumbent President Ruto and Odinga.

The two leaders have been embroiled in months-long dispute over the August 2022 elections and the nation's economic state.

Senator Coons had already engaged with Odinga, with both sides entering bi-partisan discussions aimed at addressing the concerns raised by the Opposition.

Following the State House meeting Friday which also involved Kenya's Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary, Alfred Mutua President Ruto emphasized Kenya's commitment to strengthening its relations with the US to expand trade and investment opportunities for citizens of both nations.

"Our mutually beneficial partnership will extend to climate change mitigation efforts and environmental conservation," said Ruto.

On his part, Senator Coons appreciated Kenya as one of the most vibrant democracies in the world.

State House said that the two leaders also discussed global security issues, climate change and the progressive path of devolution in Kenya.

However, Nairobi has welcomed Ambassador Whitman's comments on Kenya's polls asserting that it paid tribute to the democratic way the country's constitutional institutions oversaw the electoral process.

"Her (Whitman's) message resonates well with the Kenya Kwanza economic empowerment plan and we thank her for telling the truth to naysayers, however painful it may be to some people living in denial," Mutua said adding that Kenyan welcomes the "forthright and honest comments" made by Whitman.

Odinga had asked the US envoy to refrain from involvement in the country's affairs failure to which he will push for his recall by the United States.

However, the Foreign Affairs CS stated that Whitman who is representing President Joe Biden's administration in the country acknowledges Kenya's potential and trajectory.

Mutua said that Ambassador Whitman does not deserve any retribution from any individual adding that her message resonates well with the Kenya Kwanza economic empowerment plan.

He further castigated Odinga over his threat to push for Whitman's recall from the country contending that such a move can only be initiated by the ruling government.

The Foreign Affairs CS stated that Kenya values its development partners stating that members of the Diplomatic corps "should not feel threatened or intimidated by unwarranted threats."

"If Kenya has a problem with any diplomat or country, it is the work of the Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs to summon and seek clarification," he said.

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