South Africa: Wholesale Review of Immigration Regimen May See SA (Temporarily) Exit UN Convention On Refugees

South Africa could drop out from the United Nations refugee convention, while also repealing its domestic refugee, immigration and citizenship laws in efforts to 'reshape the destiny of our country', according to an ANC WhatsApp group message making the rounds from Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi.

Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi's WhatsApp message asks for readiness to publicly comment on the release of the almost completed White Paper, or a government policy statement, that has emerged rather than the single new immigration law the governing ANC 2022 national conference had resolved on.

Going the White Paper route takes Home Affairs back to 2017, and its never implemented international migration policy.

The ANC 2022 national conference resolved that the government "must review" the 1996 accession without reservations to the 1951 UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the related 1967 protocol. But the ministerial text message on the White Paper sketches a different take - withdrawal from the UN agreements because South Africa joined without any reservations, the jargon for qualifications that allow a state to deviate from a specific convention provision.

"All countries of the world ratified with reservations in the interests of their citizens. We will re-enter the conventions afresh with reservations," messaged Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi, also announcing the White Paper's proposed repeal of the immigration, citizenship and refugee acts.

"Once Cabinet gives the white paper a go-ahead, we will release it for public comment. It will be your time...

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