Botswana: Envoys Assume Work

Gaborone — Botswana and Australia have a prolific symbiotic relations in the mining sector, President Dr Mokgweetsi Masisi has said.

Receiving letters of appointment and letters of recall of their predecessors from the High Commissioner designates, Ms Tegan Brink and Mr Bharath Kuthati of Australia and India respectively yesterday, President Masisi noted that mining companies of Australian origin were currently engaged in the copper mining activities in the country.

He said Sandfire Mining Company was engaged in copper mining at Motheo Copper Mine in the Ghanzi area, a project committed to benefiting the local people.

President Masisi said the mining company was committed to what it was doing.

He said Australia had supported the country by offering scholarships, intensive in-service and pre-service training among others.

He said he was excited by the growing extent of cooperation between Botswana and Australia in the livestock sector.

Receiving the India High Commissioner Designate, Dr Masisi said India had a significant influence in the Commonwealth.

He said as Botswana was working on exploring its diamond mining value chain and trade, India would be a valuable partner.

President Masisi said since establishing bilateral relations, the two nations enjoyed cordial relationship.

President Masisi said India had a remarkable story of resilience with a strong and successful education system yielding specialists in health, technology and science.

Historically, Dr Masisi said, India was supportive of Southern Africa's liberation journey.

He said Botswana was committed to peace and prosperity in the world, therefore imploring India to be peace-loving for the good of the world. Additionally, Dr Masisi encouraged India to take a lead on issues of environmental management.Dr Masisi said Indian companies were welcome to invest in Botswana, expressing hope that the relationship between the two countries would equally benefit Botswana nationals by getting opportunities to invest in India. President Masisi observed that since India had a successful pharmaceutical industry, he was hopeful that the relationship would help address the challenge of shortage of drugs in Botswana's public health facilities.

Presenting her letter of appointment, High Commissioner Designate of Australia, Ms Brink appreciated that Sandfire was positively engaged in shaping Botswana's economy through copper mining at Motheo and Khoemacau Copper mines.

Ms Brink said the company invested part of the profits in staff training and community development, therefore demonstrating true representation of Australia.

She said Botswana was held in high regard in the global arena for the way it has managed its minerals for the benefit of the whole nation.

Ms Brink said Australia was under a new government, following the 2022 election and therefore it was interested in reinvigorating its relationship with Africa.

She concurred with President Masisi that collaboration in the agricultural space would be highly beneficial as Australia excelled in the sector and most of its produce was for the export market.

An expert in trade negotiations, Ms Brink said she would be delighted to offer her assistance to the country.


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