Kenya: CJ Koome Launches Electronic Filing System in Mandera

22 August 2023

Nairobi — Chief Justice Martha Koome has officially launched the electronic filing system in Mandera to enhance easy access to Justice.

Koome who also commissioned the opening of the Mandera High Court sub registry and Maslaha Alternative Justice System centre (AJS) revealed that the Electronic Filing system will operate in Mandera, El Wak and Takaba Courts.

The CJ stated that the electronic filing system will enable citizens to access justice remotely, adding that they don't have to physically visit the court premises to submit pleadings and legal documents.

Koome says "Traditional Justice systems are very strong in Somali Culture and the AJS mainstreaming will enhance documentation and accountability of the processes and decisions."

According to the CJ the Judiciary is fully committed to putting in place an effective and efficient justice system.

Already fifty cases have been registered on the E -filing system since its activation earlier today where Garissa Presiding Judge John Onyiego started work immediately by reviewing 21 files at Mandera Prisons and released 7 convicts with less than 3 months to serve.

"The judiciary will provide a permanent residing judge working in Mandera County who will collaborate with Judge Onyiego to coordinate the justice system," Koome stated.

Koome who held a virtual meeting with judicial Officers and Staff from Mandera on Monday to discuss access to justice and service delivery by the courts urged all the courts to work towards resolving filed cases within a Period of One year.

"I urge all the courts to resolve filed cases within one year and attain the status of operating real-time, "She said.

Chief registrar of the Judiciary Anne Amadi has emphasized that the e-filing system will minimize infrastructural barriers that have been a hindrance in access to justice in Mandera County.

"The launch of the Maslaha AJS Centre portrays the results of collaboration between the County and national governments, "Amadi added.

According to Justice Joel Ngugi the unique Maslaha AJS model will open multiple doorways of justice to the locals by providing justice seekers with options such as the Law Courts, AJS Working Group, Religious leaders and peace building initiatives.

"Local elders are very excited by the fact that they have been recognized to work with the Judiciary to resolve disputes in Mandera, "Said Mahat Omar, Representative of National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC).

Mandera County Commissioner Amos Mariba- has also lauded the newly launched electronic Filing system pointing out that it will help resolve a lot of challenges faced by officers who had to travel long distances to file cases in court.

Mandera County governor Mohamed Adan Khalif has said that availability of stable internet connectivity established in the high court sub registry will fight the challenges faced by residents in their journey of accessing justice.

The electronic filing system is successfully Operating in Nairobi, Kiambu, Mombasa, Kilifi, Kisumu, Siaya and Homa Bay counties where the judiciary is planning to launch the system in other counties to reduce the backlog of cases witnessed in our Kenyan courts.

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