Congo-Kinshasa: UPDF, DRC Joint Forces Rescue 19 in Offensive Against ADF

22 August 2023

A joint operation of the UPDF and the armed forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo on Saturday rescued 19 in the ongoing offensive against the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) terrorists.

The rescued, include eight children, nine women, and two men who reported to the joint base at Bwakadde in Ituri province after the joint forces attacked an ADF position at Tingwe Hills North East of Erengeti Town.

The 19 were airlifted by the UPDF and are receiving medical care from the UPDF medical team.

Among the nine women include a mother who delivered two months ago and was left in the bush by her colleagues after failing to keep pace with her group.

On reporting at Bwakadde, the abductees reported about her and a joint UPDF/FARDC squad went back and rescued her.

According to Capt. Dr. Daniel Okello the medical officer in charge of Mountain Division military hospital, both the baby and the mother are in stable condition.

In a related development, a gun was recovered and an ADF fighter put out of action when the joint forces in the general areas of Kavisao, north of River Semliki in Mwalika valley, North Kivu province battled ADF terrorists on Saturday at 9:00 am. The joint forces under sector three's Makindye battalion are still tracking the terrorists.

Meanwhile, traditional and local leaders in Ituri province have pledged support to the joint forces to ensure that total peace is attained in the province.

This was during the Commander Land Forces, Lt Gen Kayanja Muhanga's courtesy call to chiefs in Ituri as he toured the different bases of the joint forces in the province.

The Chief of Boga, Omukama Tabaro Kato Kabuga II chief of the Bannyamboga thanked the joint forces for the successful joint operation that had led to the Bannyamboga returning to their homes after years of displacement.

The chief Tchabi (chef de chefferie des Bi Tchabi) Babanilau Tchabi Etienne, thanked Excellencies Felix Tishikedi of DRC and his counterpart of Uganda Gen Yoweri Kaguta Museveni for their joint vision of fighting ADF together.

"Tchabi is at peace. The IDP camp which was here with 12,000 people is now empty. They all went back to their homes, mostly in Tondoli, Vukeka, Malibongo and Bukedi, we shall ever be grateful," said the chief.

The CLF was accompanied by the overall operation Commander of Operation Shujaa, Maj Gen Dick Olum and the FARDC Ituri province sector commander Col Joseph Amuli.

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