Kenya: MPs Condemn Attack on Kirinyaga Women Representative Njeri Maina

23 August 2023

Nairobi — Members of Parliament have condemned the attack on Kirinyanga Woman Representative Njeri Maina while inspecting water project in the county.

The Lawmakers want the probe expedited with claims that a group of goons allied to Kirinyanga Governor Anne Waiguru interrupted the press conference by the Kirinyanga County MP outside the police station.

During the attack, she sustained serious head injuries that forced her to be evacuated to the Nairobi Hospital Critical Emergency Wing

Maina had presented herself to DCI Headquarters accompanied by her supporters and those of Baragwi MCA David Mathenge to record a statement over the vandalizing of a water project by the county government on Friday, August 18.

National Assembly Speaker Wetangula called on National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung'wah to follow up on the matter with the relevant investigative agencies to unveil the truth over the incident.

"Ichung'wah you should communicate with the agencies to ensure that speedy investigation are carried and the perpetrators and those responsible for hiring the perpetrators face the law," stated Wetangula.

Ichung'wah condemned the incident calling upon the relevant investigative agencies to ensure the culpable individuals for fracas are brought to book.

"An ambulance was sent to pick her up and last I checked she was on her way to Nairobi. I am told that she is in stable condition and we wish her quick recovery. We hope the police and investigation agencies will conduct investigation and bring to account those responsible," said Ichung'wah.

Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi called for the investigative agencies to summon Kirinyanga Governor Anne Waiguru alleging that she may be involved in the fracas that unfolded in the county.

"We must condemn violence in all shapes and forms whether it happens in Kondele or Kerugoya. This atrocity being meted on our colleague by the county governor of Kirinyanga and her agents need to be investigated expeditiously," Wandayi stated.

Dagoretti North MP John Kiarie termed the attack on the Kirinyanga Woman Representative as move aimed at muzzling her rising political career.

"When the debate is lost, the foolish people attack violently. When they saw that Maina Njeri was rising they decided to met violence on her. We know political violence is never an orphans, this is a sponsored attack," he said.

Manyatta MP John Mukunji pushed for speedy investigation on the incident saying it was unfortunate that women lawmakers were being impeded from delivering to the electorate through violence

"We seriously condemn issues of attacking women when they are doing politics. It's a shame that Hon Njeri has a small stature but serious brains can be attacked by goons while she doing her work," he said.

Sources claim that the goons threw stones at the lawmaker's supporters before they were eventually chased away from the police station premises.

Maina and Mathenge then proceeded to march to the streets of Kerugoya town in protests when they were attacked by a group of youth who pelted stones at them.

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