Eritrea: President Isaias Met and Held Talks With FM of Belarus

23 August 2023

Asmara, 23 August 2023- On the margins of BRICS summit, President Isaias Afwerki in the noon hour of today met with Mr. Sergie Aleinik, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus focusing on bilateral ties and on issues of interest to the two countries.

Mr. Sergie indicating the Eritrea and Belarus share similar common history and expressed his country's readiness to develop the bilateral ties noting 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic ties.

Indicating his country's interest to share its experience with Eritrea in the sector of industry in general and that of agricultural industry in particular as well as in the mining sector, Mr. Sergie underlined the need for exchange of visits of senior officials of the two countries to expedite the process.

Mr. Sergie also announced his country's interest to provide scholarships to Eritreans in fields of studies that will be identified by the two counterparts.

President Isaias underlining the significance of the meeting in developing cooperation between the two countries and expressed the need to work through BRICS and through other means to ensure balanced world order.

President Isaias also expressed Eritrea's readiness to develop cooperation in the sectors of agriculture, security, mining technology and others and announced that Eritrea will send in the near future a senior delegation led by the Foreign Minister to visit Belarus.

President Isaias and his delegation in the afternoon hours of today visited the Nelson Mandela Museum as well as other historical sites in Soweto.

The local community accorded President Isaias and his delegation warm welcome with folkloric music and dances.

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