Ethiopia: UAE Will Continue Developing Initiatives to Improve Quality of Life in Underprivileged Communities - Talal Al Azeezi

Addis Ababa — The UAE seeks to continue developing initiatives focused on improving quality of life in underprivileged communities and positively contribute towards the efforts of development and relief organizations in Ethiopia, UAE Political, Economic and Media Affairs Head Al Azeezi said.

A virtual meeting was held under the theme "Humanitarian Aid between Ethiopia and United Arab Emirates (UAE) today.

During the occasion, Talal Al Azeezi, Political, Economic and Media Affairs Head at the UAE Embassy in Ethiopia, said his country "seeks to continue developing initiatives focused on improving quality of life in underprivileged communities and positively contribute towards the efforts of development and relief organizations in Ethiopia."

Since its establishment in 1971, the UAE has actively supported regions affected by humanitarian and natural disasters, becoming a notable actor in the provision of emergency relief, he added.

According to Al Azeezi, the UAE stands strongly by its ideology of fostering sustainable development and ensuring the well-being of all with an estimated amount of around 60 billion USD contributed by both government and non-governmental organizations to support development, humanitarian and charity projects.

In 2022 the country donated a total of 910 million USD on humanitarian aid (Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives), making it one of the largest donors in the world.

The UAE humanitarian aid is making a significant difference in the lives of people around the world, the head said, adding that "the UAE is a committed partner in the global effort to elevate hunger and disease."

Wendem Kalid Foundation Founder and CEO, Wendem Kalid said on his part that the foundation has a "current project of feeding programs to be organized in 11 regions of Ethiopia to set up food cards and food packages to feed and supply people that are suffering from food shortages."

The foundation plans to feed up to 10,000 people a day at a cost of 1 USD per meal per person, it was learned.

The CEO pointed out that the foundation previously built a shelter with limited funds to accommodate 200 plus people; and now it is in the process of building another shelter that accommodates 1,000 plus people in our new location in Kazanchis.

We are expecting to finish this project within the coming 3 months, if we have sufficient funds available, Wendem Kalid said.

The total cost of the project is around 200,000 USD, according to the CEO.

National Disaster Risk Management Deputy Commissioner, Nesibu Yasin said UAE collaboration with Ethiopia has increased in many ways, including at the leadership level.

The UAE has been a real and close friend of Ethiopia, showing solidarity during difficult times and providing support, the deputy commissioner said, adding that "as a nation we (Ethiopians) highly value the UAE government continual moral and material support."

Nesibu added that a lot of support has been reaching Ethiopians vulnerable to drought, floods, conflict and other risks through donations from the United Arab Emirates.

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