Zimbabwe: Relief As CCC MP Is Released, Pledges to Push for Rehabilitation of Prisons After Clocking 12 Days Behind Bars

AN air of jubilation and relief engulfed Harare Central remand prison as the Citizens Coalition for Change members were finally released on bail Saturday.

Forty CCC members, among them incoming Glen View South legislator Grandmore Hakata were arrested last week in Machipisa as they were campaigning ahead of the just ended general elections.

They were arrested for public nuisance and engaging in unsanctioned gathering, charges which the opposition said were frivolous. Despite the setback Hakata won the election from his jail cell

Speaking to NewZimbabwe.com after his release Hakata was a relieved man, pledging to advance for the betterment of living conditions in local prisons which he says are deplorable.

"We are actually suffering because of the conditions, health wise and the standard of jail. The food itself can actually tell how bad the situation is. I hope I am going to team up with my co-MPs to make sure the jails are improved. We have seen a lot," said Hakata.

The 40 spent the duration of the plebiscite behind bars with Hakata clinching his parliamentary seat.

The arrest of the 40 marked a torrential campaign for the opposition in Glen View South as one of its supporters; Tinashe Chitsunge was stoned to death by suspected Zanu PF members.

"The voting day, I actually missed it of course. I have been used to the situation. I put a system in place ad my people were actually giving ne update and I knew very well that Zanu PF was not going to win any election especially in Glen View South considering how we have worked on the ground," said Hakata.

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