Kenya: Govt to Transform Lives of Kenyans Through the Blue Economy

Fishing on Lake Victoria in Uganda.
27 August 2023

Nairobi — The government has come up with a comprehensive plan to tap resources in the blue economy to transform the lives of Kenyans.

President William Ruto noted that the country has a lot of resources in the blue economy, which remain untapped.

Speaking during the official launch of Mulukhoba fish landing site in Budalangi, Busia County, on Saturday, Ruto said the sector will play an important role in the provision of employment opportunities for the youth.

"Blue economy will be an economic game changer for this country. We are going to integrate the sector for food security and employment opportunities for our people," said President Ruto.

The project, which was undertaken at a cost of Sh 130 million will soon be handed over to Busia County.

The Head of State, at the same time, said Kenya and Uganda will work together in addressing challenges of insecurity facing fishermen in Lake Victoria.

"President Yoweri Museveni and I have agreed to have our security work together in addressing the challenges facing our fishermen," he said.

President Ruto directed the establishment of a patrol base to be manned by special Coast Guard Service.

"We want to secure all the areas our fishermen are operating from," said Dr Ruto.

President Ruto said there was a comprehensive plan to restock Lake Victoria with fingerlings to shore up fishing stocks.

The President praised the unity and teamwork among Busia leaders in exploring ways of solving problems facing their people.

"As leaders we must know that there is time for everything. Elections are over and it's our turn to serve the citizens. Youths look upon leaders to solve their problems," he said.

President Ruto cautioned leaders against inciting the youth to engage in disruptive demonstrations, which lead to loss of lives and destruction of property.

He noted that Busia County was an ideal tourism destination, saying leaders should exploit the huge potential in the sector.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua urged leaders to stop misusing the youth to engage in disruptive demonstrations.

"Disruptive demonstrations have no room in this country. Elections are over and it's time for leaders to deliver," he said.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi asked Busia County residents to shun retrogressive politics that may scare away investors.

"Who will come to invest in Busia if you engage in violence and destruction of properties? " asked Mr Mudavadi..

On corruption, Mr Mudavadi noted that agencies responsible in the fight against the vice have firm instructions to discharge their duties effectively.

"No one will hide under the community when it comes to corruption. It's an individual affair," said Mr Mudavadi.

Governor Paul Otuoma said leaders from Busia were ready to work with President Ruto for the good of the county.

He noted that nothing will stand in his way from working closely with the national government in solving problems facing his people.

"Time for elections is over. As leaders, we must change the economic fortunes of our people. And to achieve this, both national and county governments must work together," said Governor Otuoma.

Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs Cabinet Secretary Salim Mvurya said the Government was exploiting the potentiality of the sector to create jobs.

He said plans were underway to transform Beach Management Units (BMUs) into savings and credit cooperative societies.

Sports Cabinet Secretary Ababa Namwamba said Busia leaders were working as a team to meet the aspirations of their people.

Budalangi MP Raphaël Wanjala said he will work with President Ruto in solving challenges facing his constituents.

MPs Ndindi Nyoro (Kiharu) Mary Emase (Teso South) and Senator Okiya Omtata were also present.

Meanwhile, President Ruto officially opened the Busia County Teaching and Referral Hospital, Surgical Ward complete with a general surgical unit, orthopedic surgery unit and pediatric unit with a combined bed capacity of 92.

He later attended the dedication of Alupe University Library in Teso South before presiding over the launch of Lurambi affordable housing project in Lurambi constituency, Kakamega County. - Presidential Communication Service

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