Uganda: What You Missed or Missed Your Eyes at Museveni, Janet's Wedding Anniversary

28 August 2023

Over the weekend, President Museveni and his wife Janet Museveni celebrated 50 years of marriage at Irenga, Ntungamo District. It is clear that such big events bring together so many people, but mostly, the focus remains on the President and his wife, who retain the highest title among all invited.

The event comes ten years after another of the same in Kiruhura District where the couple celebrated 40 years, and that marked both the difference and similarities in the events and the people that attended.

Pictures and videos have been flying on social media, many analytical statements, conjecture have been made, but here are the things your eyes must have missed;

Family at a glance, Museveni's family members a miss?

The event was a whole family show, bringing into the fold all the grandchildren and the children who made up the entourage. President Museveni and the First Lady brag about 15 direct grandchildren, and, this is enough to make the entourage tick.

The couple have four children Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba, Natasha Karugire, Patience Rwabwogo and Diana Kyeremera, All these had their parts to play at the event.

Muhoozi took on the Best man role, while Natasha chaperoned the entourage crew, Patience was in charge of the religious aspect of the event and we hear she was behind the theme of the event: Ebenezer.

Diana was the one in charge of their parents, and she was very present as they fed each other cake and toasted champagne. All the foods that they consumed at the moment were overseen by her.

Notable absences our roving eye failed to spot is Museveni's younger brother, and some may argue his right hand, Gen Caleb Akandwanaho alias Salim Saleh. We also did not see Museveni's other brothers Shedrack Nzeire and Michael Nuwagira though they may have been represented by other family members.

Nonetheless, this was perhaps the most intimate Museveni family ceremony the public has been allowed to witness. Family took centre stage and it was clear from the first couple's body language that they were totally at ease. The security detail was kept at the periphery.

The key takeaway however is that for one of the rarest occasions, Museveni's family was all in a full glance, their acquaintances were nowhere near, and so were their hangers-on. It was a purely family event, with family taking centre stage except for those providing rare services like security.

It was an only-invite, but the locals turned up in yellow T-shirts

The event was an invite-only, contrary to many public events by the president where some are invited but the rest can flow with the wind and find themselves at the venue.

For this specific event, everyone carried a card to the event, even the locals in the area had their specific invites through their local leaders in Ntungamo.

However, local invited residents saw it fit to write a political statement, turning up in yellow t-shirts with engravings; "Mzee tova ku main".

Well to be fair to them, the message could be used for the same function, they could be asking Mzee to remain committed to Janet Museveni, but NO, it is a political message.

Museveni fed Janet

Yes, you got the right, it was a lovey-dovey moment from the beginning to the end. As the night announced itself to signal to help the event wind up, President Museveni picked the cake and fed his wife Janet.

It was a script unexpected, given the fact that Museveni loves keeping his emotions under his hat. Hence at a time when he volunteered to pick a piece of cake and feed Janet, everyone was beaming with smiles, ululations rang out and their daughter Diana was visibly overjoyed.

Everyone then waited for the reverse action from his Bride, and it indeed came, he ( Museveni) bent over to the direction of the cake and devoured it. This also registers as the first time many have seen Museveni eat anything in public.

You may kiss the bride. No, it is a hug

The most popular image from the event that day was a picture of the two love birds hugging. Everyone waited for the part where Archbishop Stephen Kazimba would say: "You may now kiss the bride" Alas!

President Museveni has already been expressive about kissing people in public, he recently said if he kissed Janet in public, he would lose elections overwhelmingly.

It was his election to lose, and he made no mistake, but Kazimba must be commended for taking Museveni's message seriously and instead asked the couple to share a "holy hug" instead of a kiss. We do not know how that would have ended.

Museveni finds a fitting white something!

Credit goes to the designer and tailor of the day, the President was for the first time in a white-fitting shirt! There are many more things to write about the day, but no one will deny the fact that the couple and their entourage were smart. Who was the designer of the day? Asking such a question means one has forgotten that one of the President's children runs a fashion line!

Did Museveni practice his lines? No, he appeared without spectacles

President Museveni fluffed his lines while reading the vows and it took Janet Museveni's guidance to bring him back on the main! Janet used her fingers to direct Museveni and guide him through his lines.

President Museveni is always reading with his spectacles, and this time he was without them, which could have impaired his sight judgement. This was also a testament to the closeness of the couple, as Janet ( aware of the situation) was quick to guide her husband home.

The Dance

President Museveni and Janet were guided to the dance floor by their grandchildren and then there was a show of styles. President Museveni once in a while switched to a speed march, while Janet knew her moves. It is clear one of them has been influenced by the trendy grandkids, while the other wants to remain a revolutionary all through, but he has a point, Museveni says he was a good dancer in the early days but people stepped on his toes and he abandoned the action forever.

The glass security barrier was there

Recently, the glass security box President Museveni used in Kabale was the talk of the town, again it was available at the event but was not assembled into a box, it was only the barriers presented and used time and again. That goes without saying that a President remains one and must be secured.

Norbert Mao

He was present, with his wife. So was Amama Mbabazi with his wife. Does this make news anymore? If yes, there you have it.


Four Nigerian Kings attended the event, while government dignitaries were present in plenty, family and friends too. We do not know where Allen Kagina stands, for she was seated with the family at one point. Attorney General Kiryowa Kiwanuka took the reading for the day while the usual MCs at government events; Samson Kasumba, Maurice Mugisha, and Simon Kasyate did not get a node for this one. Meanwhile, Sam Kutesa was also present, just after vlogger Lumbuye pronounced him critically ill.

Leave you men alone, Janet says

"I realized that it is a blessing to have your spouse and give him peace, let him be. Whatever he wants to do let him do because it is nothing. And Now I know and He ( Museveni knows) I do not follow him, picking little things, ladies Just let your husbands be," Janet concluded.

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