Rwanda: Christopher Off to the U.S., Set to Start Music Tour

Christopher Muneza, popularly known as Christopher, has left Rwanda for the US where he is expected to perform in six states as part of his US tour slated for September.

The New Times understands that the renowned musician departed from Kigali International Airport on Sunday evening, and transited in Amsterdam before heading to the US.

In a recent interview with The New Times, Christopher said that he is ready to put up big shows in each state that he will perform in and give a taste of what he has been producing for the last three years to his US-based fans.

Another thing, he said, the main reason behind the US tour is to take his sound to places and find ways of putting it on an international market and earn from foreign consumers.

"We had a plan of touring the whole world this year. We started from Europe, then the UK , then Uganda and the US. After the US tour there is Canada, Burundi and a very big concert here in Kigali in December. The goal is to introduce our sound to places," the singer who is also a guitarist told The New Times.

Christopher is scheduled to perform in Portland on September 2, Louisville on September 9 and Phoenix on September 23.

The musician also noted that other cities might be added on the tour if discussions with the organizers go in the right direction.

Christopher Muneza rose to stardom after releasing a number of hits such as 'Iri Joro', which ensured his breakthrough, 'Habona', 'Babyumva', 'Ndabyemeye', 'Agatima', 'Urubavu', and many others.

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