Kenya: Busia Women Rep Lauds Parliament for Approving Administrative Allowance for Village Elders

30 August 2023

Busia — Busia Women Representative Catherine Omanyo has lauded the parliament for approving the bill that will see village Elders get a stipend of Shs.7000 administrative allowance to caution them in their daily operation.

Omanyo said the village elders have been forgotten for times since independence and yet they supplement the works of chief or assistant chief in advocating for peace, security and conflict resolution.

"I loud the MPs for approving the bill that support village elders get allowance since they play vital role in the village administration. The elders have been on the forefront in the fight against insecurity and alcohol and it's was prudent for the government to recognise them in-line with bottom-up approach," said Hon Omanyo.

The legislature added that without the work of village elders Kenyan courts would have been overwhelmed with cases of petty offences that can be handled by arbitration and mediation.

"Elders risk their lives by arresting petty offenders, solve family disputes and sort out land boundary issues yet they lack even personal protection measures," she added.

Hon. Omanyo launched the initiative for village elder's identification by issuing tan-coloured suits and asked the government to issue the elders with uniforms for easy identification by members of the public while executing their mandate.

Omanyo was speaking when she met over 100 village elders from Teso North and Teso South sub counties urging them to form social welfare groups to benefit from government grants.

"I want to challenge you to form socio-empowerment groups that will attract grants and support from well-wishers," Omanyo advised.

Her sentiments were welcomed by village elders led by Grace Idewa village elder Kasogol who said the allowance will propel them to offer services all-heartedly.

"For many years we have voluntarily been playing a key role in the administrative and development agenda of the government. We are happy that at last we have been heard," said Idewa.

The National Government Coordination (Amendment) Bill 2022 proposes a monthly allowance of either Sh2,000 or Sh12,455 to the village elders who are at the bottom of the administration pyramid.

There are about 9,045 sub-locations in Kenya, each assumed to have eight villages totaling 72,360 village elders.

Omanyo proposes that the government should give priority to village elders' current working and should there be other opening, the selection should be based on familiarity of one to the community members depending on the length of time living in the community, knowledge of the community members, familiarity with the area, integrity, and literacy.

If operationalized, Mutuse's Bill proposal will cost taxpayers about Sh4.6 billion in the first year. - Kna

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