Kenya: Sugar Conference Set for Kakamega

3 September 2023

Kisumu — Governors drawn from the sugar belt region and other stakeholders are set to meet in Kakamega next week to deliberate on a sugar task force report on the ailing sugar industry.

The report was prepared by a taskforce committee that was co-chaired by former Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya and former agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri.

Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka announced that the conference will look into the report that came up with short term and long term measures aimed at reviving the industry.

While speaking in Kisumu, Lusaka said sugarcane growing remains the backbone of the region's economy and efforts must be put in place to rejuvenate the sector.

The report fronted payment of sugarcane farmers their dues as a short term measure to deter them from abandoning farming cane to other cash and food crops.

The report further addressed cane shortage as a long term measure with the committee recommending a two year long term plan to develop cane to help sustain the industry.

Currently, many mills are grounded due to lack of raw material.

Five days ago, during his visit to Western region, President William Ruto wrote off Sh. 117 billion debts accrued by the five state mills.

The mills include, Miwani, Nzoia, Sony, Chemelil and Muhoroni.

While the president promised a government strategy to revamp the ailing cane mills, he wondered why the mills have accrued debts despite bailout plans by the government while private millers are doing good.

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