Zimbabwe: Former Silobela Opposition Councillor, Re-Elected on Zanu-PF Ticket

3 September 2023

FORMER opposition Silobela councillor for ward 29 in Donsa, Willard Moyo has been elected as Zanu PF councillor in the recently held harmonised elections.

The re-election means Moyo will be entering his fourth term as Zibagwe Rural District Councillor after first being elected as a councillor in his early twenties.

Zanu-PF is dominating Zibagwe Rural District Council of the 33 councillors the Citizens Coalition for Change has only four councillors.

Moyo made a dramatic political move after he ditched opposition politics for Zanu PF.

"When I crossed the floor from CCC to Zanu PF I realised that the CCC was and is not a party for development and unity, it's a party of thugs, losers and a party full of people who are power hungry.

"They don't have love for their country, always wishing the people of Zimbabwe to suffer so that they get voted," he said.

He said he decided to join Zanu PF after realising it was the only party which would bring development to the country.

"So I joined the revolutionary party, that brought Independence to the people of Zimbabwe, that brought democracy to us. It has the people at heart and the people of ward 29 refused to always oppose the new dispensation they all followed me to Zanu PF and today it's not me Willard Moyo who have won it's the people of WARD 29, they have removed themselves from the darkness to the light of ZANUPF," he said.

He expressed gratitude to President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

"I want to thank the President Dr ED Mnangagwa for allowing me to contest in Zanu PF as I promised to resoundingly win Ward 29 for ZANUPF now it has happened. It's time to develop, it's time to unite it's time for the losers to accept defeat and try next coming 5 years," he said.

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