Uganda: Aleti Queenie Crystal Travelling 196 Countries With Ugandan Passport

4 September 2023

Travel is often taken for granted by many Ugandans. In fact, a staggering 99% of the population lacks passports, as indicated by data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Furthermore, even those fortunate enough to possess passports are often limited in their global explorations due to various constraints.

Aleti Queenie Crystal, affectionately known as Queenie among her friends, is a lady driven by an adventurous spirit and an unyielding determination to challenge the boundaries of the seemingly impossible.

Her vision is to embark on an extraordinary journey that will see her visit all 196 countries within 18 months, armed with her Ugandan passport.

Queenie's dream is to immerse herself in the diverse tapestry of cultures and landscapes our planet offers. At a prelaunch luncheon event aptly named "Let's Take Off," she expressed her happiness and hinted at the significance of the timing, although she kept the details under wraps.

Before this challenge, Queenie has traversed 52 countries and remains hopeful that she can achieve her audacious goal.

Beyond her ambition, she aims to inspire others to dream big, break free from their comfort zones, and explore the world with open hearts and minds.

The audacity of Queenie's plan has not gone unnoticed; it has captured the hearts and imaginations of people from all walks of life.

Her story has resonated with NBS Television and Next Com, prompting them to offer their support by documenting her Let's Take Off Campaign.

Nextcom and NBS Television have stepped in as the Exclusive Content and Media Sponsors and Managers of the #LetsTakeOff project.

They view this endeavor as a unique opportunity to chronicle Queenie's remarkable journey and share the world's beauty and diversity with their viewers.

Together, they will craft captivating content that will transport audiences from their living rooms to the far-flung corners of the globe.

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