Kenya: Oburu Retracts Endorsement of Opiyo Wandayi as Odinga's Successor

4 September 2023

Kisumu — Siaya Senator Oburu Oginga now says he has no powers to anoint ODM leader Raila Odinga's successor.

Oburu, who is an elder brother to Raila, clarified that he has not anointed any politician to take over from Raila as the next Luo kingpin.

"There is no political vacuum as yet to be filled by anyone. Raila is still firmly on the steering wheel and is doing good," he said.

Oburu spoke amid a raging storm over his recent remarks that Minority Leader in the National Assembly Opiyo Wandayi was best suited to succeed Raila.

He explained Monday that the statement had been misinterpreted by the media.

"It now appears that I endorsed Wandayi to take over from Raila," Oburu wondered.

He explained: "I only encouraged Wandayi to work hard. I did not anoint him. I said he is doing well and he is among those in Raila's line to watch in future.'

The Siaya Senator said the succession matter is something that could present itself in future but it should not raise alarm.

"We have many young and experienced old people who can still emerge. All of them have equal chances to lead," Oburu told the press in Kisumu.

No Raila age mate qualified

Oburu said Raila's age mates could not possibly feature as Raila's successors.

"How do you talk of Kisumu Governor Prof Anyang Nyong'o and Siaya Governor James Orengo, as possible successors, look at their ages," he laughed off.

He said some succession suggestions were "outrageous and not politically feasible", or even tenable.

His remarks came at a time when succession politics in the region has been a hot and stormy issue with no one keen to speak about it openly as he did.

"Wandayi has proved to be a political master who knows the body language of Raila very well and always acts in his interests with precision," Oburu said at a function in Ugunja Constituency, which is represented by Wandayi, in what elicited debate.

He also said Wandayi is a brilliant politician who had learnt his political skills in the footsteps of Raila.

"There is nowhere Luos sat down and endorsed Raila as their political kingpin. Raila is self-made politically," Oburu said.

Mbadi outrage

But his praises on Wandayi did not sit well with a section of the political class in Nyanza who read bias and could stoke political division or rivalries.

ODM Chairperson John Mbadi, who is also the Public Accounts Chairperson in the National Assembly, claimed the statement was unwarranted.

Mbadi also laughed at suggestions by Oburu singling Wandayi as fit, terming him as "a green horn among the current senior political cohorts."

"He is still very young in politics to unite everyone, same way Raila had done for years.Those are just wishful thinking far from reality," he said.

But Wandayi welcomed Oburu's enforcement expressing gratitude for spotting his political and leadership potential.

"I am humbled by Dr Oburu's suggestions. I can't shy from thanking him and I will endeavour my best to realize the call," he said.

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